We Explore The Park So You Don't Have To

July 5, 2011

Unusual Views

Have you ever wondered what Yellowstone Lake looks like from 13,000 feet?
Thanks to my husband, now you know!
Yellowstone Lake June 2011
**Editor's Note: This is a change from when I originally posted these pictures. Apparently, I mislabeled what ths bottom picture is. Here is the correct information....**

This is the Grand Teton with Jackson Lake on the left. The highest peak is the Grand. You can also see
Mt. Moran just to the left of the grand.

He sure loves flying the plane and seeing Yellowstone from above!

I, however, prefer seeing it from the ground.


Calvin said...

You're close. This is the Grand Teton with Jackson Lake on the left. The highest peak is the Grand. You can also see Mt Moran just to the left of the grand.

yvonne said...

Beautiful shots. Did Calvin take the pictures or you? Whoever took them--GREAT JOB.

Valerie said...

Yvonne, Calvin took these with his cell phone. Sadly, I can't fly ith him. I get sick. :(